I took part in making the book, and wrote a section called Japan’s Post-Fukushima Energy Policy. The section describes the dynamics of Japan's changing energy policies after the nuclear accident in 2011, and features several new programs such as feed-in tariff for renewable energy. While the book is fairly expensive and some of the contents in my chapter overlap with these blog posts (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6), I think the book as a whole is worth keeping in your shelf (or hard drive).
- Transportation
- Electrical Energy Management in Buildings
- Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Control Systems
- Stirling Engines
- Energy-Efficient Lighting Technologies and Their Applications in the Residential and Commercial Sectors
- Energy-Efficient Technologies: Major Appliances and Space Conditioning Equipment
- Heat Pumps
- Electric Motor Systems Efficiency
- Industrial Energy Efficiency and Energy Management
- Process Energy Efficiency: Pinch Technology
- Analysis Methods for Building Energy Auditing
- Cogeneration
- Energy Storage Technologies
- Advanced Concepts in Transmission and Distribution
- Smart Grid Technology
- Solar Energy Resources
- Wind Energy Resource
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Biomass Properties and Resources
- Active Solar Heating Systems
- Passive Solar Heating, Cooling, and Daylighting
- Concentrating Solar Thermal Power
- Wind Energy Conversion
- Photovoltaics
- Thin-Film PV Technology
- Concentrating PV Technologies
- Waste-to-Energy Combustion
- Energy Recovery by Anaerobic Digestion Process
- Biomass Conversion to Heat and Power
- Biomass Conversion to Fuels
- Geothermal Power Generation
- Hydrogen Energy Technologies
- Fuel Cells